
The Badener Hof offers medical expertise at the highest level. The decisive factor for this is the diverse medical and therapeutic offerings tailored to our indications.

After an initial medical examination and a clarifying conversation,
an individually tailored therapy plan is created for each guest.

How can therapies be used?

therapies on prescription

Do you come to our house privately and would like to receive therapies with an approved prescription?

Then you have to do the following:

  • Examination by the doctor
  • Diagnosis and prescription of therapies
  • Have the prescription form approved by the chief physician
  • Room reservation (reservation office)
  • 3 - 4 weeks before arrival, send the approved prescription form to us
  • Stay at the Badener Hof
  • Take advantage of therapies
  • Billing of the treatments used with the insurance company
private stay with additional therapies

Would you like to take advantage of a private stay with additional therapies in order to organize your therapies individually and after consultation with the spa doctor?

Then you have to do the following:

  • Room reservation at the Badener Hof
  • Arrange desired therapies 3 weeks before your stay with the therapy administration on +43 2252 48580 3700
approved 3 week stay (Cure, Health care)

Anyone who wants to go to the cure / health care and take advantage of social security benefits can apply for a cure / health care stay through their treating doctor.

You can download the treatment and rehabilitation application at